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Botox can alleviate hair loss.

06 Feb 2009, by Admin in HAIR LOSS SCIENCE


According to recent tests conducted by Dr. Simon Ouiran from Epione, Botox can delay and prevent baldness.

Ouiran discovered the hair loss prevention properties of Botox while he was treating his mother from debilitating headaches—a side effect of chemotherapy. The doctor followed the advice of Allergan, the world’s leading Botox manufacturer, by using Botox as a way to alleviate migraines through scalp injections.

After injecting the cosmetic drug to his mother’s scalp, not only were her headaches gone, her hair also began re-growing.

“Of course, I was happily surprised by the result,” said Dr. Ourian. “So I decided to share this discovery with several of my regular patients. Because hair loss is a significant source of insecurity for many people, both men and women, there was no shortage of volunteers with thinning hair. The results for many were astonishing, and for some, a single session yielded dramatic results.”
Dr. Ouiran attests that Botox and vitamin injections are a very safe and effective way to treat baldness.
While there were side effects, these were typically associated effects of Botox treatments. To strengthen the treatment, Ouiran added some vitamins to the Botox. These vitamins stimulated hair growth even more. The injections are said to improve the tissue environment surrounding hair follicles by reducing scalp tension and improving blood flow.

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  • Mirah

    How/where do I purchase these products?